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Sending messages with netcat

The Linux command netcat makes it very easy to send messages from a Raspberry Pi to a Bticino Gateway. The syntax is:

pi@raspberry ~ $ echo "<message>" | netcat <gateway-IP> <gateway-port>

For example: turn off light 94 (9.4) on interface 5:

pi@raspberry ~ $ echo "*1*0*94#4#05##" | netcat 20000

A Python Monitor Session with Bticino Gateway

To understand the OWN messages better, you should start a monitor session on your Raspberry Pi and watch the OWN messages flying in from your home automation system. Analyzing these messages gives you an idea how it works. Below is a simple monitor script in Python.

For Raspberry Pi

Start editor an editor (in our example nano) and create


Copy and paste the script below into that file and save it. After you saved the file, you have to make the file executable:

chmod 755

Now start the monitor and watch the messages fly by. Exit with CTRL-C.


For Windows

Download and install Python for Windows and create the file and edit with an text editor. Copy and paste the source code below in that file and save it. Then just double click

The Python Script

Copy the content of this script to

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import socket

# IP address and port to connect to the gateway, please 
# change these values according to your environment
default_gateway_host = ""
default_gateway_port = 20000

gateway_addr_port = default_gateway_host, default_gateway_port

def monitor():
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        data = sock.recv(1024)
        # expect ACK from gateway
        if data != "*#*1##":
            raise Exception("Did not receive expected ACK, but: "+data)
        # Switch session to MONITOR mode
        data = ""
        while 1:
            # Read data from MyHome BUS
            next = sock.recv(1024)
            if next == "":
                break               # EOF
            data = data + next
            eom = data.find("##")
            if eom < 0:
                continue;           # Not a complete message, need more
            if data[0] != "*":
                raise Exception("Message does not start with '*': "+data)
            msg = data[1:eom]
            data = data[eom+2:]
            # print the stripped message without leading * and trailing ##
            print msg
